Five things make a post

Dec 21, 2011 01:48

1. AHAHAHAHA, WOW the new LJ comment pages are ugly as fucking fuck. Goodbye subject lines. Goodbye icon drop-down menu. Goodbye direct links to specific comments without loading the ENTIRE thread regardless. Goodbye ability to preview a comment before posting it.

Helloooooooooo useless and unnecessary animations. Hello incredible lagtimes on page loads. Hello loading every fucking icon in order to pick one out of the browser (OH, and how lovely, even my inactive icons load. Can't use them! But they load totally unnecessarily anyway! If you have slow internet or pay for bandwidth, I fucking pity you right now.) Hello fading the font on screened comments so that they are now literally unreadable to me.

And hello a bunch of other fuckery that is absolutely pointless. Congratulations, LJ. You have made the S1/default blue comment pages hiiiiiiiiiiiideous, useless, and seriously inaccessible.

2. Anyone who wants a Dreamwidth account, you come right on over. The new update page is shiny and customizable!!1!, you can set your comment pages to a variety of defaults (mine's purple. It's faboo), and there is a sticky "style=mine" option (OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW DELIGHTFUL THAT IS, I HAVEN'T SEEN A CUSTOM COMMENT PAGE IN OVER A YEAR).

And fic-posting wise? I have personally tested out that I can post sixty thousand words in a single entry. No more splitting up fics to fit in a post!

And I don't know how I lived without the random icon button, the on-page expandable cut-tags, and the offsite username linking.

I have plenty of invite codes, but right now through the end of the year, there is open account creation, no code needed.

3. Yuletide is coming, Yuletide is coming. MOVING DAY! TO THE LEE OF THE STONE!

... Or something. >.> Public service announcement and free advice, if you use AO3 for fic reading, I recommend that you download enough to read offline through the rest of the year, because once Yuletide goes live, the site will be inaccessible for hours (sometimes days) at a time. Frsrs.

4. I HAVE MY LAPTOP BACK! I had to re-install eeeeeeeeeeverything, but I haz my baby in my hands again. I may have stroked it and giggled to myself when no one was looking. *pats it* Preeeeeeeeetty.

5. This is the last entry I will cross-post to Livejournal. I will be maintaining my account to moderate dramione, but I will not post journal entries there any longer. If you have a Dreamwidth account, but forget to check it regularly, you can track my entries and get email notifications.

This entry was originally posted at Comments to this entry are disabled. Comments are open on Dreamwidth using OpenID or your DW acount. (Don't have a DW account? Ping me! I have invite codes.) There are currently
comments to this post.

fandom: a03, rage: i swear a lot, dreamwidth: general, internet: linkage, internet: amusement, life: shared joy

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