After my rousing success last year with my
31 Days of Fic, wherein I posted at least 300 words of fic every single day, I want to make it a second year effort. I had a lot of fun with it, and it really helped to beat my winter blues and writing blahs.
That's where you come in. Thirty-one days. Thirty-one prompts.
- Pick a character, a word, a setting, a phrase.
- Pick an "inspire me later" pictures from one of my Tumblrs:
- Pick a thematic element, motif, or symbol.
One of those, all of those, or something that's entirely your choice! It's open season on prompts!
Fandoms I know well enough to consider writing in are Harry Potter, House, Supernatural, Kushiel's Legacy, the Belgariad/Mallorean/Elenium/Tamuli, Black Books, IT Crowd, White Collar, The Tudors, NCIS, Firefly, Bones, Castle, Big Bang Theory, Due South, and Hawaii Five-0.
Throw it at me, lovelies. All you got, I want to hear it.
Lurkers, network, latest things! Everyone! Drop a short prompt for me. No promises that I'll be able to write it, but every every every idea is up for consideration! I'll write any rating, consider any pairing or character, dive quite merrily into a great many kinks. Come play with me! :D :D
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