Jan 09, 2023 10:05
- Sun, 19:40: RT @ padagallery: Happy Birthday @ GenPadalecki ! Have a fantastic day surrounded by your beloved ones https://t.co/tW6OVnfCVq
- Sun, 19:46: New Year's Eve as an Introvert https://t.co/fShFVH6qa6
- Sun, 19:51: I absolutely love Alan. His witty musings are great. Random musings and some of the things he has written I can totally relate to. His words can be hilariously funny as well as incredibly sad. That English wit seeped through the words throughout the book. #Iloveyouevenmore https://t.co/IUVReOmkuk
- Sun, 19:54: True, but... https://t.co/WKU1WYtnbq
- Sun, 19:55: Sylvester Stallone moviethon https://t.co/DqiKdW5Ez2
- Sun, 19:57: The Regal Rules for Girls: How to Find Love, a Life and Maybe Even a Lord in London https://t.co/4TFO7ce08a
- Sun, 20:38: RT @ thesecret: Be easy with yourself. Harmonize yourself with the Universe by letting tension go. Surrender, let the tension go, and float!
- Sun, 21:39: RT @ PotterWorldUK: Daniel Radcliffe attacks Eddie Redmayne's wand https://t.co/OM07X2Xrpx
- Sun, 21:41: RT @ HamlinIsland: Putting love into the world comes back 3xs as much… thankful for everyone who has reached out and prayed. This will make…
- Sun, 21:53: Be who you are.. Everyone else is taken!