Adventures in the kitchen . . . .

Aug 13, 2009 04:24

This wonderful apron was procured this June in Palm Springs at one of the tribes forays to the thrift store while attending Desire.  You can imagine the squeeeeeel that emminated upon discovery!

This past weekend we spotted the first batch of Hatch Chilies of the season in the store and laid in quite the supply.  Sunday night Moe roasted the whole batch on the grill and they got peeled, no small task mind you.  One night ths week we did burgers with green chilies.  Last night was the big adventure though.  Home made chile relleno.  We had batter everywhere.! Moe and her daughter had attempted this once before with not such great success with the batter part.  I had learned a trick with the batter some years before from my aunt Loretta, but had never actually tried it.  In addition to separating the eggs and beating the whites stiff, mix a bit of prepared pancake batter in with the yokes before folding them into the whites.  Makes the coating nice and puffy.  We deep fried the stuffed chiles in the wok, which worked great cuz Moe discovered that using the curved side of the wok as a 'slide' made putting the battered chiles in the hot oil pretty easy.

Moe did a fabulous job stuffing the chiles and had a wonderful time with the batter, and I quote "It works better if I just get all gooey."  HAHAHAHA.  I'm so greatful that we can enjoy the things we each love together.  I finished off dinner with black refried beans and rice.

The prettiest one of the bunch:

The next adventure is green chile stew.  We purchased three hot chiles just for this receipe.  That will come this weekend when ADVENTURES IN THE KITCHEN continues . . . .

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