Spn_J2_Bigbang - This Illusion We've Become by brokenhighways

Jul 15, 2014 21:17

Title: This Illusion We've Become
Author: brokenhighways
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Character death, crime, supernatural abilities, spirits, mentions of a children’s home, violence, m/m sex, angst, family drama
Summary: Even though he's been living with the prestigious Morgan family for years, Jared Padalecki has always been the outcast, save for the relationship he has with Diane Morgan, the eldest child and heir. When she's murdered brutally, Jared's forced to face up to the fact that he's on his own, while trying to solve the murder with his best friend Chad and his associate, Jensen Ackles, a medium who's able to see spirits. In the midst of that, he has to deal with being suspected of murder, being further ostracized by the Morgan family, his company being robbed, hunting down his birth parents and his tumultuous relationship with Jensen, as well the danger that continues to lie ahead. Meanwhile, Jensen’s forced to deal with the fact that he’s in love with Jared and is the only one who can communicate with Diane and help solve her murder.
Link to Fic: Here
Notes: Thank you so much to brokenhighways for being patient with me and allowing me to create art for such an awesome fic. <3 Thank you to Fiercelynormal tebtosca dephigravity and my twitter feed for the support! And a big thank you to wendy for running the challenge another year!



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