Spn_reversebang Art - Fairy!Js - This Is What Will Be by dollarformyname

Nov 21, 2010 18:39

Title: This is What Will Be
Author: dollarformyname
Artist: ldyghstwhisprer
Summary: In a time when magic and technology have just begun to co-exist, two men have to learn how this good cop/bad cop thing works in order to police the slowly meshing societies of fae and humankind. Just as Jensen decides maybe his new partner isn't a complete tool, the past taps him on the shoulder and reminds him that some laws were made to be broken.
Link To Story: http://whomadethatup.livejournal.com/1119.html
Artist Note: Thank you to dollarformyname  for coming up with such an amazing concept for my crazy art piece! :D *HUGS*





Map of the Fae World:
(click image for larger version)

Original Prompt:

.my art, .bigbang - reverse, .bigbang 2010

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