I'm not actually a Twilight fan, I've read half of the first book, seen all but the last twenty minutes of the first movie and read excerpts of the other books/participated in enough discussions that I have the general gist of it and know the most wrong/hilarious parts. So last night I went to the midnight showing (actually 12:30) with some friends mostly for the company and for the LOLz .
I was not disappointed. Watching my two friends, who are much bigger fans then I, spazzing out was fun, as was just spending some time with them. The movie was entertaining and enjoyable and according to my friends the best adaptation yet. It had a good balance between action and the focus on the love triangle. Normally I don't particularly like love triangles as they tend to bring out the worst in the two guys fighting over the girl (and really what is the fighting accomplishing since ultimately it is HER CHOICE) and generally makes me want to shake the girl until she just picks one already. But this one was handled fairly well, and Edward and Jacob's constant pissing contests were quite entertaining. I have to say in the movieverse at least I'm team Jacob. He had some nice moments in this movie and Edward, while better than in the first movie, just sets off too many of my 'OMGCrazyObsessiveStalkerRunAwayNow!' warning bells.
Most ridiculously hilarious thing about the movie-- Jacob's complete refusal to wear a shirt. I think there was one scene in which he was fully dressed, out of the entire movie. Also, they kept giving him these long, lingering intro shots that were complete centerfold pinup fodder. NOT that I am complaining mind you. I’m not complaining AT ALL. I just find such unashamedly blatant fan service amusing. Also it makes me happy to see movies where the guys are on the receiving end of the fan service moments while the girls are respectfully dressed. It reminds me a bit of the Wolverine movie which had the same thing going on. (Yes, naked!HughJackman jumping off a water fall, I'm talking about you.)
And now I'm completely zonked becasue it was about 3:30 when I got to bed last night. But it was fun.
Now off to get another cup of tea, before the test proctoring frensy starts up again.