Sep 16, 2008 20:25
I"m not dead. I'm not lying in a ditch somewhere dying. I'm not lost in the middle of a desert. I've had the opportunity to text a few of my friends, but for the most part... I've been super busy with lesson plans, organizing everything, reading for Senior Seminar and generally keeping my sanity. I have too much to do and DEFINITELY not enough hours in the day to do it all. It's all about time management and though I try hard to make sure I'm doing the best I can, it's still pretty rough. But I'm carrying on and doing the best I can. I think about everyone a lot and don't want anyone thinking I'm neglecting anybody. :-( I miss my friends!!!! Hopefully Friday night will offer a bit of relaxation, but I don't know how long I'll last considering I'm fighting to keep my eyes open as early as 9:00 at night. I'll do the best I can.
For the most part, despite being super busy, things have been going well. I have an awesome support system within GCU and the elementary school itself. There was a glitch with my paycheck for the days I went to in-services, but that got worked out and I got the paycheck today, which is good because... I had to pay cell phone bill. After this it's going to be babysitting jobs that pay it, but shouldn't be a problem.
That's really about all I can say now. I'm tired and I have entirely too much to do. And damn... I have to figure out dinner. My family ate but I just couldn't yet. TOO BUSY!!!! I figure I'll grab something later.