Dec 01, 2003 09:31
Be still my beating heart! A female presidential candidate??? Sounds freakin AWESOME. Carol Moseley Braun is my pick! I've been watching her in democratic debates on the tele, and she's got my vote already. Everything she says is so right on and we see eye to eye on so many issues, especially forgein policy and healthcare. Though, Kucinich, your 90-day plan sounds tempting it seems highly unrealistic. You've got spunk, and I admire that. But, like Braun says we cant just "cut and run". The U.S. has made a mess and we need to clean it up. We are already the asshole country of this silly little world, lets not go making it worse. We need to take a step back and make friends again. And it is very brave of her to be pro-same sex marriages. Although i would love to have it legalized I just cant see it happening right now. There are way to many people opposing it. We cant just go and change legislation when the conciousness of the people haven't changed. I see mad crazy hatred if it goes through. But freakin Bush will probably put a stop to it anyways O_o Grrr. Al Sharpton is freakin funny. Everytime he speaks he has some beatiful analogy that resonates the humility of injustice. But Braun's resume is more impressive i think. Horaay for politics :P