Jul 14, 2003 13:11
For a while now I've been sort of restless with myself and what I'm doing with my life. Here I am. This one person, being, spirit, within this overwhelming population of people. In front the the computer and tv I'm seeing this world that we are living in and for me its not where it could be. Deep down what I really want is peace, love, and joy for all(even though I'm not aware of it all the time). I could think about this forever but lately I've been wanting to do something about it. I even changed my job to be more spiritually satisfying. But its not like they make "how to" manuals for transforming the world. Step by step, i guess. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. I need to educate myself on ways I can help. More and more I see myself turning into some activist hippie. But how nice it would be to live a simple life with little effort, with really nice things to look at. Choice. Funny how when you are sick and the body and mind are weak the soul likes to take over. I think i've vented enough. *sneeze*