Sep 04, 2005 21:22
Hey guys, this is Jeanne, Judie's sister. Wanted to update you on the day she had....
Judie was feeding Jack this morning and had a terrible pain in her belly. She went the bathroom and threw up. She knew something was not right. She called me about 8:30 this morning and I could just tell from the tone of her voice that there was something wrong. She described what had happened and I don't know if you all know this or not but a couple months ago our older sister had an Appendectimy. Both Judie and I immediatly thought this was what she had. I came over so that I could watch Jack and Jason took her to the hospital about 9:00am. Finally about 3:00 they agreed with our self diagnosis. Judie was to have her appendix out. She finished surgery up about 6:30 and is resting comfortable. Jack and I just got back from a quick visit so that he could see for himself that his Mommy was alright. She should be home tomorrow since the surgery was done laproscopigally (however you spell that one!). She wanted me to update you all. I know appendicitis is not hereditary but I am worried. ;)