Title: Duty
ldybastetFandom/Pairing: Bleach - Byakuya/Renji
Summary: Renji has a thing for serving Byakuya...
Rating: PG-13?
Content: Servitude kink.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of Bleach were created by Kubo Tite. I only borrow them for an attempt at transformative writing, and I don't earn any money from it. No one, either real or fictional, was hurt in the writing of this story.
Notes: ~750 word ficlet. First time in ages that I'm writing for Bleach again. I blame the live action movie with the very hot cast. Rawwr! ;) Inspired by the servitude square on my card from last year's Season of Kink challenge on Dreamwidth. Big thanks to
misumaru for the beta and encouragement.
Read it here:
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