Title: Broken Doll
ldybastetFandom/Pairing: Dadaroma - Tomo/Yoshiatsu
Summary: Halloween gives the band the opportunity to try something new, like new looks, new roles, new positions...
Rating: Adult/NC-17
Content: Crossdressing, sex in a car, bareback...
Disclaimer: I'm not in any way associated with Dadaroma or their label, and I don't know what they're doing in their offstage lives. I just let my dirty mind play with their stage personas. No disrespect intended, and I earn no money from writing fiction.
Notes: ~2200 words. Written for the crossdressing square on my Season of Kink card from last year. It was inspired by one of Dadaroma's Halloween looks in 2017. Check out Yoshiatsu
here and
here and Tomo
here. Beta and encouragement by the always helpful
Read it here:
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