Oh, amnesty ends tomorrow?! Oh dear...
Um, this means that if any of you have written an kink bingo fics and not posted there yet, regardless of hitting a bingo line or not, should post there and point to it/them, if you want to participate in the next round as well. Gods, that was a horrible run-on sentence. I'm sorry.
I wonder if I should take the time and round up all the fics I've written for my cards after I posted my bingo there, just to make them official KB fics?
In other news, got three phone calls yesterday from a new wave of people to have a look at my apartment. Ugh. We have work during the weekend, but will sneak out and go all the way to my old place just to show it to peoples on Saturday. One of them didn't think they could make it Sat, so asked if they could ask the super to show it to them on Monday, which is fine by me. I don't actually live there anymore, it's just my stuff.
Mum has had severe stomach pains for a week which worries me like awful. Stomach pains in a Chron's sufferer isn't a good thing. It could be potentially very bad. :( But it's warm and stressful, so we think it's that.
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