I haven't been around much lately, but now I'm very much around. Internet activities seem to still be slow though... *refreshes Tumblr dash and is shocked when there are no new entries* I guess people are still busy with holidays/vacation/time off/social life/etc.
Me, I'm busy with "etc", I think. LOL The last few days I've been bored out of my mind, so I've somehow ended up on the weird side of YouTube not only once, but three times in a week! Oh dear... And that is time I could have used for porn! But writing didn't cooperate for some reason, so.
But now I'm writing again... and trying to think of if there's something I'd like to *read* but not write myself, so I can throw in a prompt or two on the
kink meme. :) For some reason, I'm back to being a slow writer again. No idea how to get the magic of November back. But that's okay for now.
My Christmas was low-key and nice. Just me, my parents, and my brother. We'd decided to exclude some things from the enormous smorgasbord-type Christmas dinner which is the tradition here, so that was nice. Only the absolutely most yummiest dishes! And home-made meatballs made from ground moose. :D Unf! Food porn!
And the dessert! OMG!
Rumtopf! With vanilla ice-cream and whipped cream. UNF! More food porn. Then coffee happened, and the opening of gifts.
We'd all decided to take is easy on the gifts this year because none of us (apart from my brother who has managed to clear almost all of his loans and debts in a year) has had a good year and have virtually no money. So. But I still got money from my bro, because he's been working so much that shops were closed when he had time to go shopping. And a frigging camera from my parents! o.o I'd wished for one for a few years, but I didn't expect to actually get one! *hugs it*
It's a cute, pink Fujifilm Finepix jz250, and I am really happy about it. What's annoying is that the people in the store didn't tell my parents they also needed to buy a memory card for it. So... can't use it before I fix that. Who the hell in a store doesn't try to also sell a memory card when people buy a camera as a gift???
I also got the cutest pajamas ever, with teddy bears carrying hearts. I mean, how cute is that! lol Awesome for lounging around in when I don't feel like actually getting dressed. And I got a laptop cooling stand thingie and a purple scarf. So, much more than I expected! \o/ (Now, I need to use some of the money from bro to extend my paid time for my DW account, and I'm all set.)
I gave bro a new coffee-maker together with mum and he was happy... Mum got a pretty coffee mug with matching heart-shaped thingie for a cookie, and I can't remember what I gave my stepdad. (It wasn't coffee-related anyway!) LOL
And now I will have tea, ogle Uruha's pics from Shoxx 240 (thank you, Tumblr!), and write some porn. :D (Unless I start procrastinating again.)
How was your Christmas?
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