random stuff

Oct 29, 2012 11:09

Special Kai Birthday Listening Party: DIM Version happened online yesterday, and it was so much fun!!! :D Gazefandom on DW may be tiny, but we're doing a lot of fun stuff! \o/

I had a terrible headache during it, though, and that wasn't much fun. It was the fourth headache of the week. -_- It's my neck, giving me trouble again. Autumn is full of rotting and molding fruit and leaves and stuff... and I am allergic to mold - cue headaches of doom. No, of DOOOOOOM, actually.

Woke up to a rather cold bedroom and the sounds of random "ting"s on the window, turned over and went back to sleep... and woke up again and discover it's been snowing. *sigh* Now it's raining, so... I guess the snow will be gone soon. But it has happened, so it's inevitable: Winter is coming!

And when I say cold bedroom, that is relative. I have to open the window at night because the damn radiator won't respond to any attempts to lower the heat, so even when it's on lowest, it's superhot! And I find it quite uncomfortable to sleep when the temp is around 26° in my bedroom. -_- So, I open the window. And this morning it was only just over 21°!!! :D Which is a nice temperature, right? but it feels rather cold compared to the rest of my flat... The heating system is so wonky here! And this is after they've turned off heating and water for two days to fix the thing! LOL I so need to move away from here...

And I haven't heard from any of my "boys" in a week. :(

But! I just saw that the GazettE are releasing a book called DECADE in January as well!!! Oh I so need that! *makes grabby hands* Ah! they make me broke...

And in other news (not that it's news actually, but roll with it, okay?) I sent one birthday greeting mail to Kai on the appropriate day, and yesterday, I sent a fanmail to Aoi too, because I felt that he needs some encouragement sometimes, and they had a short break in the touring over Kai's birthday. The poor man so often seems to feel that he's not good enough for the GazettE and that is just not true! So, I told him his song is the best on the new album and that he's awesome. In Japanese. LOL Yeah... My language skills aren't that great, but I think it was understandable. And I think I got the right kanji. ;)

So, in summary: Gaze-squee with awesome ppl happened, there's snow, I have embarrassed myself by sending fanmails, and the GazettE wants more of my money.

(I have headaches so often that I even have a tag for it! urgh i should put it on my wishlist for Christmas: painkillers! LOL)

This entry was originally posted at http://ldybastet.dreamwidth.org/599168.html.
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headache, real life, squee

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