The weekend was rather exhausting, but also very interesting. It was the second part of my new edumacational boost, and this time it was all about dietary minerals and what they are actually doing in the body and what they are needed for and what happens if we don't get enough of them. Oh boy. I knew minerals are important, but not that important. Whoa.
So, that was interesting, and I'm now 'experimenting' a bit to try to see if I can get some progress on my own health. :) I've also found out that while yes, my thyroid needs help, the main problem about it is actually my adrenal glands. They're exhausted. So they work weirdly and oddly and that means very bad things for my body. It also means that I know why I am so easily and quickly exhausted whenever I do *anything*: no glycogen reserves stored in the liver. Or rather, so small that they're instantly depleted as soon as I do something or something happens around me. So, I'll have to look more into what to do with that too.
But enough of health stuff and things I do for work. :D
kink_bingo sign-ups start today!!! *dances* Oh, I am excite! They also allow fics that are part of a series (as long as they can be read as stand-alone) now!!! This is awesome, as I can use bits of Ruki's Kinky Adventures for it then!!! And Ruki I can get more inspiration for chapters through the challenge! :D *dances again*
Speaking of which... I'm about halfway, I think, through the next chapter of RKA. It's long. This is possibly the longest and plottiest set-up I have ever written for a specific sex scene!!! LOL But... I am actually really happy about it. I just, you know, have to force myself to sit down and write the actual sex.
And while we're on the topic of writing, it's time to look at what I wrote during May. It wasn't much... it seems like I've fallen into a two fics a month kind of routine? What is this? Meh. I want to do more! I have ideas! I have plots! I have yummy sex scenes in my head! (Yeah, I know, just wrote about my health above. ;) It is hard to write when I'm exhausted. But still! That shouldn't matter! *cough*)
Anyway, here are links to the fics I wrote during May:
Ruki's Kinky Adventures - 6/? - the GazettE: Ruki/Reita. NC-17/Hot - Public sex
Ruki was bored, and one way to chase off boredom is to do something exciting. He decided to take Reita for a wild ride...
Freedom is Hiding - the GazettE: Uruha, Uruha/Kai. PG-13/Mild - Mostly gen. Some fluff.
Uruha is smiling on stage, but it's not always easy to get into that smiling mood. Some things are really complicated... for Uruha.
Oh! Also: My kanji dictionary arrived just a few days ago!!! :D I am very happy with it and it is absolutely awesome! :D The first thing I did was to find the Gazemen's name kanjis in it, of course. *grins* Let's just say that it didn't disappoint. LOL
I showed it to my mum this morning and she was appropriately impressed. ;) She rolled her eyes a little but she did agree that it was impressive. And very shiny and pretty. *hugs dictionary*
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