Christmas prep! Also, JRock meme again.

Dec 18, 2010 20:48

I have almost everything I need before Christmas now! \o/ *cheers* Today's shopping trip was a success! :D And I got free lunch at a Greek restaurant too. Mmmm.

Now I just need to *make* a few more presents. But most of the stress and all that is over! Yay!

One thing that has annoyed me the last two episodes of Togainu no Chi: the coding of the damn mkv files is off again. Now the shiny awesome open source software
vayshti pointed me to (MPlayer OSX Extended) refuses to start them, and in my preview window, I get a blank image and only sound. VLC can play them, but of course, then I get a lot of screen freeze and pixelation. Interestingly, these things do not happen at random places. No, always in the same spots, especially where there is lots of dialogue and characters explaining things! So, yes, it is the damn subtitle coding! And yes, no matter how I try, I miss the entire Emma-explains-it-all-scene in episode 10. I get the sound, but the picture is frozen and there's not a hint of subtitles during this period. Joy. Yes, this does piss me off. On the other hand, when I have found mkv files of National Geographics vids? They've only been gorgeous and not a hint of pixelation of screen freeze. Not even when subtitling bits of interviews in them. But then, those are not hastily slapped together by a fansubber team.

So, why doesn't anyone do Togainu in avi format? *sigh* I hope ep 11 behaves.

There was something else I was going to post about, but I have forgotten. So, have a bit of JRock meme instead.

Day 6: Your favourite JRock video.

Like Day 5, this is also a difficult question. There are many brilliant videos, and for many different reasons. Sometimes it's the song that is so good that it carries the vid, and sometimes the vid itself is just awesome even if I don't think the song is one of my favourites. But I'll try to pick a few vids where I love the song and the vid is, in my opinion, made of awesome as well. :)

* the GazettE - Hyena One of the first vids I saw with them, and I still love it. I <3 the energy in it and it amuses me to see all those guys go crazy over the hot boys and fling their shirts at them. *g*
* the GazettE - The Invisible Wall So much pretty. I love the red walls... and the boys look totally hot in it as well. This is where my Ruki icon is from... and I can watch him lick his gloved fingers over and over. Yum!
* the GazettE - Taion Haunting. The song and vid is a tribute to a girl who was kidnapped, raped and tortured to death by a couple of boys...
* Gackt - Returner ~Yami no Shuen~ There's so much gorgeous in this: Gackt himself with long hair, all the samurai, the fighting... It's a really violent story it tells.
* Gackt - Redemption What's not to love about Gackt in cornrows and long curls and wearing lots of leather? I also love the bit where it looks like he's turning into that bird.
* Gackt - Oasis Only Gackt could look hot while wearing a sack. O.o But I like this vid a lot for some reason... there's just something about it.
* Dir en Grey - Kodou Great song and rather chilling and provocative vid. This was the only upload I could find now of the uncut version. So, you'll have to enjoy the lyrics on the screen as well.
* Acid Black Cherry - Spell Magic This always cheers me up. The contrast between their images here really cracks me up, and I think the song is really great too.
* Acid Black Cherry - Black Cherry I find this vid incredibly amusing, and I really like the song. It's just fun all over! And the singer rocks that dress. *g*
* DuelJewel - Es Incredibly pretty. Clouds, moonlight, water, ruffles, petals, candles, cute boys... Yes, very typical cheesy Visual Kei. LOL
* Miyavi - Selfish Love I love this so much. He's so gorgeous here, and the way he plays that guitar? Guh! *fans self* The feel of the black&white with the splash of pink is lovely, and I adore the contrast between his beauty and his very raw voice.
* Kagrra - Satsuki Some of the scenes in this vid are just so beautiful! And I love the song. I'm still sad that they're going to break up the band soon.

I'd love to hear your comments about the vids... :)

Day 1: Your favourite JRock group.
Day 2: Your least favourite JRock group.
Day 3: The most overrated JRock group.
Day 4: The most underrated JRock group.
Day 5: Your favourite JRock song.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

meme, togainu no chi, squee, music, aggravation, shopping

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