Comic Con 2008

Jul 28, 2008 20:45


Today we didn’t end up leaving until about 5 and went to go pick up Sam at his house, head to the con and as it turned out… this year wasn’t like the other years and there was a huge line outside of the con, just to get the freaking ticket for pre-reg. *sigh*
We probably waited about an hour, got inside finally and Kristie and Keegan departed from us, and we decided to meet back up at Slave Labor around 8. Val, Sam and I walked around and found the Pokémon booth and found James and Aloysius under the giant floating Pikachu. We walked around a bit, went to the Disney booth and got some free fairy wings. Then we went to the Lost Boys booth and got all…. dead. Sean showed up, found Diana, and we tried to make our way over to the SLG booth to meet back up with Kristie and Keegan, but by the time we got there, it ended up being 8:30…. Then we made it over to the Viz Media booth where I asked if they did the renewals for the shojo beat magazine or not, ended up being disappointed and got a Vampire Knight vol. 1 manga instead, since they didn’t do subs anymore. Then I got the free Viz bag this year, with my purchase which ended up being yellow.
We walked around a bit more, tried to get free blu-ray movies they were giving out, failed… and took the trolly home. Dropped off Sam, then Dropped off Kristie and Keegan, and got food with Val at Taco Bell. Came back to my house, and had trouble sleeping.

- Vampire Knight Manga vol. 1 (came with a free VK compact) 8.99




Woke up at 6:30 in the morning to Devin’s phonecall, called him back and finally got up and dressed around 7. Sean and James drove home, took showers and bought life blood (monster and coffee) and came back and we left for clairemont. Picked up Sam, rushed to the con and waited in line for Hall H (twilight) for about an hour and a half and met up with Sarah in line. Then we waited in Hall H forever before the programming started. Sean and James got bored and left. Some huuuuuge curtains across the walls in the back fell down and people screamed which unfortunately delayed the programming longer. (=.=;;;; <- me at that point) and Sam and I talked about the morbid accidents that could have happened. Then 20th Century did their panel with The day the Earth Stood still, and Max payne. Took pics of Keanu Reeves and Mark Wahlberg. Then we waited for the Summit Pictures panel. Watched the sections for Push and the Knowing. Then the much awaited Twilight panel came on and Sarah and I screamed, and these random girls came up on the side of Sam and sat down and I felt a little bad for him cause they were screaming just as loud. xD
We left~ Took our adventure to the halls and got Dead again, went and got food at the mall… ended up getting depressed about nothing (me) and sat outside Ralphs with Sean waiting for everyone while they were at the mall eating food. Then we got back to the con, Val Sam and James decided to dump the stuff off at the car and Sean, Aloysius and I walked around a bit, met up with Kristie and Keegan and went upstairs to wait in line for the Saw V panel which had a line wayyyyyyyyyyy too huge so we decided to say Fuck it, and sat on the stairs with Alo in his Jigsaw “billy” costume… and take pictures with people.
We left, and I fell asleep in the car and got a tad grouchy from the cold air and short tease of sleep. Came home, and Passed out.

- Present for Aaron cost: n/a :D


- Woke up by myself this morning, Devin came by and woke me up at 7:30 and brought me a can of tea. <3 Val showed up around 8:00. Angry morning, and I hopped in the shower. Val and Devin left to go pick up James. Kristie and Keegan showed up and Val and Devin and James and we left on our way to the mall. I ran over to Kinkos and met up with Aloysius to go volunteer with Tokyopop. Passed out free Princess Ai Cds and cards. Went upstairs as I thought I’d die from pain. Met another Mello with a Matt and two Nears. Waited for the group to meet up with us. Val turned into my Pill fairy and gave me Tylenol. Went to go check out the line for the Resident Evil Degeneration panel and cried inside from the line being closed from stupid max capacity and putting everyone in a room with only a 500 max capacity. T-T Went in the exhibit hall and looked around. Ran over by Kinkos and got my free stuff from helping out Tokyopop, and got a free trinity blood dvd, Marmalade boy boxset 1 and 4 (yeah, I know I already owned the 1st one) and about 8 free manga books. X3 then we walked to the bank so Alo and James could cash their checks or get money or something and I went to Ralphs to pull out money. Met up with Alo. and ate at Fred’s Mexican place. (Kristie and Keegan went and did their thing and got food at the mall). Walked back to the con, went with Val to Lionsgate and she got scarred/branded with “SAW V” on her forehead. Got in the Twilight line, had the boys do their thing and stood in line for Twilight. Ran into Bryan and saw Kristie and Keegan again and departed again from them. Got Twilight movie posters and walked around the exhibit hall saw the guy from Hard Candy at the WB booth. Went in the lobby to get more Tylenol. Met up with the boys, bought my corset and we went all the way to the other side of the convention center upstairs to get in line for Gaia for about 30 minutes. Sat at the Gaia panel, and waited for the trolly…. Forever… =.= Then when we got off, I had a crazy homeless guy yell “watch me charge! FUCK YOU” and I thought he was gonna hit me. >.< then after dropping James and Devin off, got home, organized things, made me more blonde and went to bed.

-Voodoo Valerie doll for (who guessed it) Valerie 4.00
- Corset 99.00
- Wall art at SLG 20.00
- tentacle girl button 1.00



- Woke up this morning, got into my Cosplay outfit, Val came by, picked up James, and found out that Sam couldn’t make it today. Did my burn mark scar thingy in the car, and got to Fashion. When we got out, we ran into James and we bought a two day pass for the trolley. I did James’ makeup on the way to the convention center, and got stared at my some asian man with big eyes. We got to the con, walked around real quick like… and ended up needing to go get ‘life blood’ for everyone and walked over to Ralphs. Got water and soda for me and Val and the boys got their energy drinks. Then we headed over to the con and walked around briefly, found Sarah, and headed to the Joker vs. Joker duel thingy ma bob. Which ended up being a joke off/photo op. that wasn’t too great.
We stayed outside for a while, got caught up with a few phonecalls and went inside, looked at an onion boy comic thing, walked around, split off from Sarah, walked around with the group, looked at Hentai with Aloysius, found Kim, and we branched off and formed mini groups. Did stuff in the exhibit hall for a while, met up with Kristie and Keegan and went upstairs to look at the hideous line for Ballroom 20 (masquerade).
Hung out upstairs for a while, made friends with a Kairi cosplay who was Mello the previous day and I apparently talked to. xD
Then went downstairs to go around the exhibit hall with James and Sean. Turned around to find a pretty red headed girl linking arms with me on the escalator and saw it was the Kairi girl who was stalking me… Then she told me how much she loved Mello.
Met up with Kim again, and headed upstairs to meet back up with everyone.
Left the con with Val, James, and Sean so we could head to Clairemont and get rice bowls for food… came back to the con and stood in line to get more food from the free food tables, watched the masquerade outside and made an uber huge mess and ditched it.
Came inside, waited for the dance/’rave’ and went through intervals of watching the stuff we got so that nobody would have to worry about their stuff being stolen. :]
Waited for the trolly, came home late, stayed up and talked to my mom for a while.
Then went to bed to embrace the last day.

- Kirby plush 35.00
- X plush 4.00
- Howls moving Castle figurine 4.00
- Dears buttons for Alo. Cost:N/a
- grab bag of anime for Autumn 10.00



Woke up around 7ish from Devin knocking at my window, talked to him for a while, got ready and headed out around 9. Got to the trolley and had to say bye to Devin cause he had to go home. Got to the con and departed on my mission of getting all the free stuff I could. Waited in line for Summit to get a voucher for the free t-shirts. Met up with Sean while in line. Wanted to get a Twilight shirt but they ended up not having anymore. L Met up with Alo. And his Cousin. Had the Summit people make fun of me… and then Sean. =.=’’’’’’’’’’’’’ and then both of us…. And we walked around, waited in line at the Disney booth for a free tshirt cause they ran outta wings., sat in the lobby and met up with Kim. Then Sean and I went to go look around, while I left my shoes with Val and them. Bought my sister a voodoo doll, and got myself one (sean bought it). Then we went back to the lobby, and Val and I ran off to go get free poster tubes. Came back, Alo went off to buy some. Sean left and Alo left for home as well. Then Kim, val, and me went to head back into the exhibit hall and ran into Diana the tetris block on the way through the lobby. Split up with Kim cause she was heading to the buffy musical, walked over to the voodoo place to see if I won the raffle thing. Saw Jhonen walking with his co-writer lady on the way. X3
Then decided to head home cause I was out of money, and my feet were hurting.

- voodoo doll for autumn 10.00
- Nana BLAST bag 28.00
- Lenore Noogies book 11.95
-Something is scratching at the window for Val

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