Results: Round 4, Challenge 8

Jun 10, 2008 02:23

Remember to check out the voting post to see who wrote your favourite drabbles.

It's been two months since the beginning of round 4, and now the end is finally in sight. By the end of this post, we'll have our final two. All three drabble writers are extremely talented and should be very proud of themselves for coming this far. Even so, one contestant stood out this week, raking in not only the most total votes, but also the viewers' choices for both groups of drabbles. This contestant is...

ifanciful! Congratulations, ifanciful, you're one of our last two drabble writers standing :)

Unfortunately, as always, we must say goodbye to someone. The participant whose two entries collected the least total votes this week is...

lady_game. Congratulations on getting this far, lady_game! It was great having you with us for a second round, and you're always welcome to come back in the future :)

This means our final two contestants are saraannette and ifanciful. Who will be our fourth Last Drabble Writer Standing champion? Tune in two weeks from now to see ;)

Banners for lady_game and ifanciful:

The final challenge will be posted shortly.

round 4: results

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