Jul 18, 2005 14:59
haha, i just got back from the mall with hayley and emily and it was so much fun because i got new underwear. i mean, come on, why else would i be in a good mood? we had a good time, and we got to see mike and greg which was really cool, but at the same time kind of made me sad. like wow, i didn't realize how must i really miss hanging out with them, but now that i realize it, the yayas and that group used to be practically inserperable. i hate the fact that i really am capable of losing friends as close as they were to me. like i know the fact that greg is all into theature and mike is all into asia had a lot to do with the drifting apart, but i totally could have made more of an effort. oh well, marching band season is coming up, and hopefully we will become closer. we also saw ethan, but not with mike and greg........enough said.
hayley and emily and i did vacation bible school this morning which is really fun actually. it sounds lame, but we have a good time with it. tomorrow-will i be able to cry realistically? hahaha...oh community service hours, how i love you.
yeah, nic. i don't really know what to say.....i'm not really confused i guess, i just don't understand. okay so yeah, i'm confused. we had that long talk and everything which was good cause it totally eased his mind, so he now knows that i don't expect anything like us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. so now we are back to the regular nic and lindsey pair, except for it's different. we are getting more physical, and not like sexually. i mean like, holding hands, lying on his stomach, his arm around me, hugging etc. so like....cuddling, as much as i hate that word hah. nic and i, believe it or not, have never been like this before and i don't understand it. and it's not like i'm the one initiating stuff, nic is totally into the cuddling thing, he's let me know for sure. and he's being really sweet too latley. like usually, he makes fun of me, i make fun of him, it's a love/hate relationship. but he's been saying stuff latley that's just really cute and well, boyfriend like. i don't think it's possible for me to be any more like his girlfriend.....he calls me every night to talk about our days, we have so much fun together, and now we are getting more physical. i just don't get it. i guess he just wants all the benefits of having a girlfriend without actaully being tied down which makes sense, but i don't know if i should be upset by this? like is he taking advantage of me or is this a normal friendship type of thing? i guess it's not that bad as long as i don't mind it being like this, which i really don't beucase i love just like having him. but maybe i'm being used.
i'm worried about emily. i guess in the back of my mind i knew there had to be more going on, but when she actually said it, it like hit me. it's not any of my business i know, but max is a jerkface, and i don't want emily to get hurt or do more then she wants to because she wants to keep him. sometimes i worry about her mental strength as far as guys go. but like i said, not my business.
harry potter is calling.