Feb 06, 2005 20:54
Ugh so my mom so told me i didn't have to go to church this morning then she woke me up this morning and said we were all going as a family and afterword we were all going as a family to ihop. DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN MOMS GET IN THOSE "FAMILY" MOODS?! i do. anyways then i went shopping and got new jeans and a necklace for sweethearts. it's so pretty.then i came home and took a nap and did homework and stuff for the rest of the night. it was such a sunday ya know? oh well, this week should go by fast beucase i don't have to go to school on friday beucase of all county band. i know, i know, i'm jealous of myself too. ahh tomorrrow is pajama day, HAYLEY YOU HAVE TO WEAR THEM!!! pajama day is like the only spirit day i participate in beucase, pajamas at school!!! even though it's dumb beucase i get up, take a shower, and then put them back on lol. kind of defeats the purpose but at least you get to be comfortable at school all day. okay well, this is a really stupid entry and doesn't even entertain me, so i'm ending it.