I stumbled upon this group yesterday in my internet browsing looking for new friends. I am an RM, though right now very inactive. I was born into the church, then our family step away, we got back in after the divorce and my dad remarried. I was the only one out of five boys (no girls) that went on a mission. I served in Tempe, AZ from Dec 1996
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i am an artist and as i know symbology is great in the world and through my studies the animal wich portrays u most usually has to do with personality and representation of such as well. u see a fox is on some cultures sly and a turncoat or somethign of dark and tricky as others it si a creature that knows much and is charismatic. one given the ability to speak swiftly in any situation they encounter. basically able to get out of tight places and much more.
if you feell liek talking any tiem jus say hey on im whenever u want
well by your own description you are a fox what i had told you are two forms of a fox one the woldly version of a fox and the other the old or origionl beliefe of what a fox is.
to regain that hope is to find that trust that you once had before in those around you. it is a forgivness of yourself. that you need as well as to forgive thsoee who either wronged you or you have wronged.
always hold to those you care for and those you dont know keep a freindly ear to them. for those who have broken you or taken a part of you away remember though they may be ur enimy at thsi tiem they still are and can be good people and hold that to them let the things they did that wronged u be in ur memory but not as a fence or wall to hold you back or them back but to know somethen was done and that is needed to be wored on. by both you an them. that you cna still be friends there will jus be that fence to help protect you incase they still have that strange desire to push you away from them agin
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