
(no subject)

Feb 16, 2008 17:54

I'm inviting fizzyland over here to understand a passing comment he made, because I disagree with it in one sense, but it turns out I have no idea what he was trying to say. It was in a private journal, but I asked if he wanted to continue it here, so here's what we have so far:

fizzyland: It's basically the rest of the industrialized world that realizes that the health of their citizens shouldn't be subject to the whims of the market.

lds: ...Do you think food shouldn't be subject to the whims of the market? Do you consider the current ridiculous health care system to be a result of "the whims of the market?"

fizzyland: Well for the first(food), there's some degree of regulation, to ensure at least some safety/reliability. Health care was turned over to the free market and save for minimal govt programs, is mostly subject to the whims(by which I mean profitability) of the market.

lds: Are you interested in continuing this discussion? I won't try to deceive you; I disagreed with the way you worded your assertion in your very first comment, and I'm interested in learning why you think so differently from me. However, you've just completely redefined the phrase "subject to the whims of the market" two very different ways in back-to-back sentences, so now I have no clue what the hell you're talking about. If you're interested in explaining yourself, please say so and I'll make a non-friends-locked post in my journal...

fizzyland: Sure. One problem is that between work and other discussions, I may have missed what you were asking or wanted to discuss.

Okay. When you first said "whims of the market," I first thought you meant the theory of value popularized by Adam Smith. However, when you answered my first question ("Do you think food shouldn't be subject to the whims of the market?") you non-answered by talking about regulating it for safety. To my second question ("Do you consider the current ridiculous health care system to be a result of the 'whims of the market'?") you redefined "whims of the market" as "profitability."

So please be clear: when you first typed "whims of the market" in your very first comment, did you mean:

a. Supply and demand theory of value
b. Degree of regulation for safety
c. Profitability
d. Something else?

If d., could you please describe what you meant? And then could you take another shot at answering my two questions, using the same definition for the phrase "whims of the market" as you did in your very first comment?

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