Jun 17, 2005 21:15
lilmttfan: so what'd yo udo all day?
bigsonicfreak: went to field of dreams(a place where you grow/plant food for shalom center), and then like random stuff
bigsonicfreak: you?
lilmttfan: dude yeah i know where that is
lilmttfan: what'd you do?
lilmttfan: went to 6 flags..walked around to starbucks.
lilmttfan: hanging out with kelsey
bigsonicfreak: we planted some rubarb and i think peas to go with our tomatos adn sqush and peppers
lilmttfan: aww mikey you're awesome
lilmttfan: i would love to do that
bigsonicfreak: lol, you could come with us if you wanted
bigsonicfreak: i got nelson to
bigsonicfreak: i think we're going sometime this weekend
bigsonicfreak: itd go faster with more help
^^ that's awesome! I'm gonna go help him next time.
It's been a while for a post. Went to Great
America today..going to Missouri next week..and work has been ok.
Listening to some TBS...and Kelsey is talking to Robert..oh
You kept still
until the long drive home
you slept safe and close
to the window...
Everywhere, unthinking mobs
of "independent thinkers", wield tired cliches like cudgels, pummeling
those who dare question "enlightened" dogma. If "violence never
solved anything", cops wouldn't have guns and slaves may never have
been freed. If it's better that 10 guilty men go free to spare
one innocent, why not free 100 or 1,000,000? Cliches begin arguments,
they don't settle them.
^^^Jonah Goldberg (editor-at-large of Nation Review Online)
-----this was on my starbucks cup..very interesting.
i never made a scene
they came to me
i never made a scene
well they came to me
i didn't have to
i didn't have to
well i never made a scene.....