Well Wupty-Fucking-Doo

May 13, 2003 19:21

someone called in the middle of the update I was working on, and I lost everything. I was in this nice artistic mood..... I was talking about my mission to finish dfjdslfkjdlsjkfdjsf I cant fucking typeright now.

Apperantly my next door neighbors got arrested today...stupid fucking trailer trash neighbors. Makes me take so much fucking pride in my goddamn neigborhood. And they aren't even the only family living there. There is the Ass-hole who ownes the goddamn house, the couple that just got arrested, and, um, I think another family. It's so very illegal. Not to mention the neighbor keeps having half ass shit-for-brains ass holes working on the house, so it always ends up looking worse than before he had the goddamn work done in the first place!!! He is such a fucking slum-lord. I hate richmond so fucking much you do not even know. The couple that got arrested is seriousely the living picture of the steriotype for trailer-trash. god they are so disgusting. I want to leave so bad.....
I want to seriousely move out and get myself a good roomate. Ya know, rent someplace. ANYBODY GOT A SPARE ROOM?????????
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