Aug 24, 2011 00:55
i will keep up with the dishes, laundry and please do not smite me anymore this year. i really have paid some serious dues this year. he was sick, i was sick. the car keeps breaking down. i would love to be able to save some money this year. i would like to break 100 in the savings account.
the new job went okay on the first day. one snotty girl told me i need more training. wtf? really..i don't know the people that is the only issue. i worked skilled you silly bitch...assisted is a breeze in comparsion. so an okay, but not great day. and once i get the people down with what they need..yeah, i will be running motherfucking circles around your ass. gah.
but at least i'm finally out of the hellhole i have been forced to call my job for the last year.
so tomorrow i am going to finish my flylady list. did change over the bed tonight and did almost all the laundry. still have one basket to fold. will work on that after these lovely stomach cramps calm down..(did i mention i'm sick..and on antibotics? yeah...stomach cramps.) i am also going to work on a new goals list. i haven't done one since starting school. so since that was 2 years needs to be done.