*sneaks in*

Jan 15, 2013 10:54

This is me, pretending I haven't been gone in over a year. Yeah, I do that.

I've about had it with Facebook. It's become the window that I now see how much a douche most of the people I knew are. For a person who lived on a site all about people's journals, how on earth did FB out self-involve what I'm used to? At least people on DW and LJ could actually, you know, write. And had something to say. And were usually quite clever about it. Plus, when ugly things went down, everyone mentioned it and often there was some sort of charity drive to help. On FB, children were mowed down, but Cousin Joanne is still voting for Hoe Hoe Booty in the Idol contest. FFS! It deadens a person's soul. I now actively hate most of the people I am related to. I was much better off only seeing them a few hours a year. I have seen what can not be unseen.

I miss community, love of good things, like literature and movies and music. I miss my fellow geeks and nerds and fandom. I was sucked into the dark side, but they had no good cookies! I was robbed!

So, what's up with peeps over here?
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