Aug 25, 2006 13:27
I’ve edited this to make it smaller. This is one of those things that I get forwarded (since I work at the church), that just make me shake my head.
“I never thought there would arise an issue to rival abortion as our land's most pressing problem…In the past, freedom of religion and the laws of the land were pretty much in harmony. The Ten Commandments formed the basis for our societal fabric and meshed well with the concept of freedom of religion since virtually every religion active in our land at least agreed on those basics. To think of the government even suggesting a control over religion rightfully evoked a loud hue and cry from all quarters. Time is rapidly upon us where that must change.
What if a religion has within its sacred tenets something that goes against the deepest Judeo-Christian grains within our fiber? What if our government's God-ordained role to restrain evil (Rom 13) is directly threatened by a religion?
Fundamental Islam says that Allah is glorified when the blood of Infidels who refuse conversion is spilled by the sword. Just proclaiming the message is not enough. Their 'holy book' demands capital force. Murder thus becomes a virtue, and freedom of religion is pitted against the government's role to protect the innocent.
Will we have the political guts to confront this if the current trend escalates? Will we have statesmen who will call a spade a spade? Will government do its job and protect its people from barbarism hiding behind the sacred veneer of "Constitutional freedom?" For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I pray that ours does. There is no other ultimate solution. Without hedges restored, walls rebuilt and new watchmen recruited no mere political solution can turn the tide.”
There is so many things wrong with this I don’t know if I should even start. I’ll just mention one or two. Does anyone remember how in the middle ages people thought that Jews ate Christian children and so they made Jewish people outcasts and live in ghettos and never spoke to them unless they wanted to use them for bank loans? And then how protestants OR catholics, depending on the year, were horrible vile, etc. and had to be killed? And how we LEFT THAT CRAP BEHIND TO START A NEW COUNTRY. Do you know how much of our first admendment we’d have to get rid of? The whole thing! Not just freedom of religion, but freedom of speech, freedom of press, the right to peacably assemble…Plus our laws already don’t allow for believing in something that hurts other people. It’s not like I can start a religion and say, “we believe in sacrificing our firstborn to the sun god”. If we allow people to make laws about what we can believe there is no gaurantee that our own beliefs will be amongst “the protected” and not “the outlawed”. “There is no other ultimate solution”, we have to become what we hate? Fearfully driven fundamenalists scared of religious freedom of choice, who will “do whatever necessary” to protect our way of life? I think not.