Saturday Project Edition 7 Preview...

Jun 07, 2010 22:59

Heh. I said I'd post more didn't I? :b

And here we are - more work done on the Cybertron Mode Drift...

What started off as the parts of a junker (read: I broke part of it, bought a replacement for a mate's custom, then haven't done anything for the toy - so now he's making goon on his worth :b) Jolt from the first movie- became the basis of the hip/crotch mod I was planning on doing... the plan essentially is to give him proper ball-jointed hips so that he has the kind of articulation that I actually want him to... So here's to it! 8D I've unfortunately lost the thigh swivel in all this - but here's to the ball jointed hips giving him enough of the articulation that I want him to have :)

See? here's what it looked like off Jolt...(I'd already disassembled some and done some cutting as you can see :b)

Then, I drilled and cut and sanded my way through the crotch piece of the figure and fit the parts from Jolt into the hole I made:

See? it works, right? :D

the sockets that work WITH the ball joints I decided would be cut out of Jolt and used in conjunction with some of the detail parts from the existing Drift mould...

And finally, I epoxy the sockets to the legs... like I said, I have effectively lost the thigh swivel, but not all is lost - I could always separate this and try again or something... either way it appears to be working out for the better - having the ball-jointed hips is so important...

So now we wait for the curing to happen (overnight at least - I'll check it in the morn) and then we put it back together to see how my mods have added poseability, and... hindered transformation -_-; I have a sneaking suspicion the hips might be just a tad wide now - ah well - think of all the high kicks he'll be able to do... -_-;;;;;

saturdayproject, transformers, sculpting, customs

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