Saturday Project Edition SIX!!! (YES I'm still here!)

Jun 05, 2010 23:57

Firstly, sorry that this post comes so late today - instead of the 'usual' mid-day post as I am working on things, I actually left the posting til tonight. I really only worked on one major project today - and it's taken a lot of time to get this far - but heck if I'm not happy with what's come of it!

Remember this?

Yep! I planned to get started on it some weeks ago but other ideas came up and took precedence. This week I actually worked on this!!! It's a garage kit - made of resin of the character Drift

Drift was actually created by Aussie (HECK YEH) writer Shane McCarthy from WA - and unfortunately, the character has gotten a sort of Gary-Stu label... Evidence brought forward by the community of the Gary-Stu status of the character include the fact that pretty much from when he was first introduced in the All Hail Megatron series you were pretty much forcefed the FACT that he's awesome.

Here's an example of the fandom commentary off tfwiki:

and here's a blurb on what's ACTUALLY ON THE TOY:

lol. THAT's why people reckon he's a Gary-Stu!

Personally, I think it's really cool how a fan, an Aussie no less, got to write the main transformers comic book AND create a new character that's become a toy!!!AND, I am really excited about all this as well because after months of waiting, I finally got the Hasbro toy of him last night! (It was GREAT! My beautiful, awesome girlfriend Aeryn happily went along with me to the toyworld in epping and we picked it up there - In case you have trouble following let me spell it out: Girlfriend. Happily. ToyShop. TOGETHER. 8D) Here he is hanging out with Prowl from the Hasbro Universe line - a photo I took for height comparison.

And now, we'll get into the projecty side of things - ASSEMBLAGE!!! ahem.
Some time ago, I laid out all the pieces on top of the instructions that came with the kit:

It was the beginning.... DUN DUN DUN

And today - we started following the instructions:

After fiddling around for a while and deciding that instead of a peg-joint head (only 360 degree swivel left/right but no up/down motion) I decided to go with a ball joint for Drift's neck. I'm all out of regular ball joints and only have a (plentiful) supply DOUBLE ball joints which essentially is a ball joint on either side of a peg. No big deal, I just worked with it, dremelling away to make holes large enough for the mini double ball joint (i chose the smallest size)... and so following on with the instructions which essentially say that the grey piece has to have the neck that joins the head that sits in this swivel spot... we now have:

Et Voila!!! Works perfectly!!!

Now lookey here:

how pieces like these were done was they piece (not the tube-like part) has been cast in resin already, and along with the kit I got some styrene rods and drill bits - my job is to drill out holes in the resin pieces, then peg in the styrene tube/rods as per the instructions!
These were actually for the legs... here are the pieces used in a leg..

To hold the different parts together and still allow for joint movement, the styrene rods come into play again. Here, I'm trying to fit the rod in so that the white part we prepared earlier joins the top of the thigh... See:

Then we have to do the same for the knee joint so that we can have him bending at the knee:

From here, I was racing against the clock as I wanted to get this done as much as I could before having to pick bob up from school... so I kept working and here's the legs:

(I then went to get bob from school and drop Daz and Aeryn home 8D HI GUYS!!! We then also had dinner at Sofia Balwyn!)
When I got home it was time to be working on the arms, and connecting them to the shoulder armour (part of the vehicle mode) and the torso!

Then I worked on constructing the crotch and merging that with the legs:


but of course, to make it cooler -

Ahhh Drift - he's so in awe to be in his presense that he's besides himself (OMG TERRIBLE LAWL)

Aaaaaaaaaannnnddd that's it for part one of SaturdayProject Edition 6!!!
Thanks for reading, and be sure to tune in again tomorrow for MORE! 8D

Good night dudes and dudettes!

saturdayproject, transformers, customs

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