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Oct 30, 2005 17:51

HAHAHA we had our little Music Dept. halloween party last nite... was it FUN! I dressed up as Hermione, of course! and i looked GREAT! hahaha I love my little wand and HP books...hehe

if i can figure it out...i'm gonna post some pictures later...if....

"Out there, There's a world outside of Yonkers
Way out there beyond this hick town, Baranby
There's a slick town, Barnaby!
Out there
Full of shine and full of sparkle
Close your eyes and seee it glisten, Barnaby
Listen, Barnaby!...
Put on your Sunday clothes There's lots of world out there!
Get out the brillantine and dime cigars
We're gonna find adventure in the evening air
Girls in white in a perfumed night
Where the lights are bright as the stars!
Put on your Sunday clothes we're gonna gride through town
In one of those new horsedrawn open cars!
We'll see the shows at Delmonicos
And we'll close the town in a whirl
And we won't come home until we've kissed a girl!"
"Hello Dolly" "Put on your Sunday Clothes"

that musical has some catchy tunes! It's a blast to play!

hello dolly, halloween party

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