Friday Hugs

Oct 10, 2008 11:58

So have I ever mentioned how much I love elementary school?  Why did I ever want to teach High School kids?  Elementary school kids give hugs, presents at holidays, love it when you're goofy and make no sense.

I just walked down to the Staff Room to get my lunch (slim fast shake 'cause my diet is going GREAT!) and I see one of my favourite students from when I did Cafe duty last year.  She looks up and goes "Oh you're here!" and rushes over to give me a hug.  I love hugs.  I love hugs from students!  My 1st graders last year used to give me hugs all the time and I loved it!  There's 1 student at CHES who gives me a hug after every class... I got 3 yesterday :-D  And I'll see one of my other favourite students during lunch and she'll give me a hug too :-)

Little kids are great.  I don't know if I can go from this to High School...

but hooray it's Friday.  Only lunch duty left, then planning for another 2.5hrs and then home!  Driving to Lynchburg tonite and I don't think I'm giong to the Alumni recital.  Apparently D.H. didn't show up yesterday for the Orchestra rehearsal, so Lou wasn't even sure if they were doing the Trumpet/Orchestra thing.

I'll go to the Football game w/ Aaron.

Pep Band should start soon... it's almost Basketball season.  I can't wait to get my clarinet out and play some more.  It's not immensely fun playing/practicing by yourself.

hugs, friday, pges

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