Mar 21, 2010 08:56
"The Sparrow" was published in 1996, fourteen years ago and I just finished reading this spectacular novel, by Mary Doria Russell, a few days ago, but that is not what I want to write about. I just read that the now average rate of interest on bank cards is 18%. I am so glad that my federal government had stepped in to address the issue of usery last year when the average was 11%, way to go Fed people! The federal government went to bat for the american people to address health care reform, and soon we will ALL be mandated to buy health insurance, way to go Fed people. The supreme court decided that american corporation are people and have the right to free speech and can therefore spend as much money as they want to support elected representatives (representatives of the american people) to stay in office, way to go Fed people.
In "The Sparrow" there are two species that inhabit the planet of Rakat, the Runa and the Jana'ata. The Jana'ata use the Runa to manufacture goods, gather trade items, tend to their children, satisfy their sexual needs... and then they eat them: Sorta like what corporate leaders are doing to the working, (and the not working) class. I say kill the rich, eat em and grind their bones to make bread. But as Susej' said, "the rich will always be with us".
I have been reading the writings and musings of a friend of mine who passed away a few years ago. His widow presented a box full of papers to me last week; along with the fossils and minerals he had collected over the years, a passion he and I shared, along with a passion for social justice, universal peace and travel. In future LJ entries I will include some of Jeff's writings.