Oct 30, 2001 08:12
Yes everyone I am still nausious!!! It is non stop and I am so ready to rip my hair out. I got a hold of Sher yesterday and for some reason I started ballin and I couldn't stop. I guess that i am afraid that if this doesn't subside that I won't be able to see my sweetheart on Friday cause I will be too sick. Then I was talking to his father and I told him to tell him to still come cause I am sure there are other people that he wants to see other then me....he then interrupted and told me that I was the sole purpose for his trip here and noone else. And that just made me feel special. I just pray that I feel better really I do. Hola to my chicas, I miss yall. Holla at me wheneva and Jessie anytime you wanna be home!!! laterz eeeryone!