Hey, single ones can be MUCH more enjoyable than when you're with someone.
I'm looking forward to it. The last few years was like ok, we have to plan something big, and buy each other lots of presents, and the pressure and everything, it was like the day is just set up for disappointment.
This year I don't have to expect or do anything, so I bet it'll be better for us to look at it that way. :)
Yeah it is... and I mean its great and all, it was a day to make special and do something out of the ordinary with your boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever. But after you get out of a relationship you think *whew*, this V Day will be sooo nice, none of that shit to deal with and no pressure. :)
Then I guess if I'm single too long, next year would seem lonely but I don't know. One of those grass is always greener things, huh? :)
I'd rather do something out of the ordinary on some other day when she would least expect it. Well I still got like 2 weeks,who know's what gonna happened between now and then.
See you got it... that's the point. Things are more special when they are suprises, not this big day that is all planned already. Good boy. :)
And yeah, that's what I'm thinking too... ha ha A lot can happen in 2 weeks!
All I know is, if we are single right now, then if we do spend V Day with someone, it'll be nice... not all planned and pressured like when you're in a long-term relationship! :) So that's the silver lining, that was my point I guess. he he
I'm looking forward to it. The last few years was like ok, we have to plan something big, and buy each other lots of presents, and the pressure and everything, it was like the day is just set up for disappointment.
This year I don't have to expect or do anything, so I bet it'll be better for us to look at it that way. :)
Then I guess if I'm single too long, next year would seem lonely but I don't know. One of those grass is always greener things, huh? :)
And yeah, that's what I'm thinking too... ha ha
A lot can happen in 2 weeks!
All I know is, if we are single right now, then if we do spend V Day with someone, it'll be nice... not all planned and pressured like when you're in a long-term relationship! :) So that's the silver lining, that was my point I guess. he he
see below
Hallmark already has a few of my bucks too.
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