May 21, 2006 06:27
And after two weeks of really hard work the store is opening today......and I'm a little nervous. Mainly becuase I have to take care of all of my animals today and I would like to have 80 percent of it done by the time we open. Have you ever had to fill 40 water bottles quickly? That and none of us were register I don't know who is actually gonna sell the stuff to the customer. I'm sure all is gonna go well and I'm really just gonna be doing a whole lot of smiling and talking and petting the animals.
ANd dad is actually really excited that interested in guns and that I want to go out to the firing range with him. This lead to a 20 min disccussion on which guns he wanted to buy and all of the different features..... my response " I'll work on knowing when the safety is on and off first"
He also wants to sit down and plan out the next 7-10 years of my life. Why the hell? Its annoying.