Mar 13, 2006 17:32
I feel like i have so much to update about but i never have time so here we go:
Im gonna start with mardi gras 06!as most of you kno i was pretty pumped for it so the twist contest started off with like ten people and was narrowed down to a top 4(mikayla mikey me and some ninth grader)then it went down to top 2(miik and mikey!) and of course mikey won because hes mikey and he always wins then there was karokee and dancing and mikey and i karokeed and it sucked but it was good time then there was prayer and we had a prayer circle and it was fricken huge!i loved it so much
next is gonna be the time fran slept over.that was a good time she came to my house and we started going all 007 every time we heard anything so of course lauren walks in on our stupidty she laughed at my artwork quite a bit and i showed her my awesome tree she loved it then we slept ate watched corspe bride and then we played catch and lost the ball and got the ball back then we rolled a different ball i guess you had to be there to understand it lol
i stayed after last wednesday and fran stayed after some how we lost track of time and she missed late bus it was so funny
i really wish i had more to update about but i dont and that disappoints me a lot but hey ill recover kids no worries
i can not wait til april vacationi cant wait to go out with loch and maybe go to maggies i cant wait i pumped k well thats it hoped you enjoyed