(no subject)

Jun 22, 2006 00:56

Open up your music player (iTunes, ect.), and put it on random. For whichever 10 songs come on, write what that song or band either reminds you of or means to you. No skipping!

Iron and Wine - "Faded from Winter"
Makes me think of my first year at WKU and trying so hard to make friends but just couldn't do it. It also reminds me of night time drives between Nashville and Bowling Green.

Bane - "Place in the Sun"
Any and every Bane song makes me think of Mike and Lance

Cory Branan - "American Dream"
Cory Branan makes me think about being with Danielle. When I saw him it was the day after she got her wisdom teeth out and I was bummed she couldn't come to the show. I also makes me think of Ashley Byrd and Stacy Anderson cause they were at this show with me

Mono - "Yearning"
About two months ago when Derek, Heidi, and I were driving back from Ashley's house listning to this cd. It was perfect at the time.

Ben Folds - "Bastard"
Ben Folds makes me think of my brother, Brad Wilson, Nashville and Newburgh. No particular emotions or memories attached to this song.

Matt Pond PA - "East Coast E"
I bought this cd when I was in Orlanda to go to Disney World with my friend Heather's family. That was such a fun trip and I miss Heather so much!

Denison Witmer - Ringing of the Bell Tower"
Derek Waddell and the show with anathallo, saxon shore and foxhole. That was such a great great night.

The Streets - "Turn the Page"
My brother and Aaron Rayburn. My brother because this one of the select few artists that my brother and I BOTH listen to and Aaron Rayburn cause he once spent the night at my house and we stayed up super late downloading alot of hip hop and The Streets was some of it.

Against Me! - (The Roller)
Last week on my mission trip. I listened to "searching for a former clarity" for most of that trip

Champion - "Harrison and Broadway"
Lance and Josh. One time we drove around huntsville singing this song and notcied that the part where he says "me and you!" sounded like he said pickacu! and Lance stage dived in a car! haha
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