Week 6 done...on to week 7

Sep 17, 2002 11:03

Hi-dee-ho Ladies and Gentlemen....

Welcome to week 7 of my pregnancy.
Last week, we completed week 6 (from LMP - actually 4 weeks gestation).
Seemed to go mostly well. Got hit with morning (afternoon, night) sickness in a major way....Still no pukies (thankfully!), but feeling like poo.

Saturday was a write-off. I went to Karate (just kata - all good) and met with my Party Light consultant (apparently I'm having a party October 2) and bought a new book - Misconception by Naomi Wolf. I got home and felt really bad. Pigged out a little (really wanted some halibut and tartar sauce...later that night wanted Poutine). But Sunday and Monday were MUCH better...no sickies at all!

This morning though...it was a little rough. I'm ok now. It seems to be turning into a different kind of morning sickness...going from a seasick/hung over feeling to a 'gonna puke' feeling. Don't know which I like least. Like I said to Chris...I don't really mind feeling like this...I just don't like having to go to work feeling like i may puke.

We have our first appointment with a midwife next tuesday. This is just a 'get to know you' appointment, where we ask each other lots of questions and see if we 'click'. I have fears of the over-medicalization of birth, and am concerned about how medical midwives may be...but I'll learn all about that on Tuesday. The most important thing is whether or not we click and whether or not our philosophies are similar. Apparently they work in pairs, and I will get to know each of them as time progresses. I think this pair was trained (separately) in Europe, where they have a much healthier approach to birth, so it should go well.

I think that's about it for now. I don't have the stats on the baby yet...but I understand its little heart is beating and we have a spinal cord in place. The neatest growth period is now until week 8 - at week 8, the baby looks like a little person...not just a little alien tadpole.

So, to this point, I have my up days and my down. I'm trying to eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar up (letting it fall makes me feel ill). And I think I'm gaining weight. Blah. I'm not supposed to gain weight yet! But it may be the poutine...cause I don't think I'm eating more overall.

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