Jun 27, 2004 21:37
Thursday night Derek picked me up after work and I slept over his house. It was fun like always. Then Friday we slept in, when we woke up we went to Saratoga to get his paycheck and then asked eachother what there was to do besides sit and drink and watch cartoons all day(even though I dont mind doing that especially when we watch South Park :-p. Well we got on the North Way and I said Lets go to the mall. We were in the other direction then Wilton so we went to Clifton Park mall. It was stupid but kind of fun. As soon as we walked in we saw these 3 dirty gothic looking kids and we decided to follow them around until they caught on then invite them to a fake party. Heh, so we went into the music store were they where.. went to the food court, got food and of course, the guy working at taco bell started talking to Derek about the band and Liam and shit.. and he's like yeah I saw you guys before, bleh bleh bleh.. and then we got our food and left but we got ours before the freaks got theirs so we didnt end up sitting right next to them like we were supposed too. Then we followed them into this other store.. then went and sat on a bench and waited for them to walk past us and we got up and followed them again but they went to the music store a second time. So finally I was just like "They arent fun to stalk, lets go" and we left. Then........ uh.. I think we went back, hung out for a few, bought beer, sparks*, candy and sammiches and went to the Drive Ins to see Harry Potter 3 and White Chicks. Harry Potter 3 rocked! We had so much fun there. As soon as a rap song came on though, at the beggining of White Chicks I told him that we had to leave and he wanted too anyway so we left. I cant stand that shit anymore and I wont deal with it anymore. Hence, stopped hanging out with my "gangster" friends. Well, we went home, and went to sleep. Saturday, we slept in a little bit.. I always wake him up before he wants to get up though =$ heh... When I want out to go to the bathroom, Liam was there annoying Niki! I was so happy my weekend daddy was there though (inside joke). He came into Dereks room with me, and I wouldnt give him a cigarette (because he never even smoked until he thought it was rockabilly and cool.. lol) and so he went across the street and bought Lucky strikes to be awsome.. and came back upstairs and we sat there smoked, and talked. Then Derek got in the shower and Liam and I sat on the couch in the living room. We were just sitting there, eating breakfast (pringles and beef jerky) and looking at this picture we thought Niki made, of this black guy with a huge afro that said Mike floating on his hair.. and the two pics of some guy next to it. Niki came out and Liam asked her if the guy in the picture was the guy that was drawn next to it and if his name was Mike and she just started to be a bitch (because thats what Niki does best) and she was like "NO LIAM, ALRIGHT." And Liam kept asking her questions and I tried so hard not to laugh cause' I dont wanna be mean lol.. and she snatched it from him, and he handed her the other pictures, and then her cigs, and lighter.. and the whole time shes like bitching about how she hates Liam and Liam was just laughing, and then he kept trying to give her a plate that was on the couch.. and she threw it back down and slammed her bedroom door shut and we started cracking up. It was a 'you had to be there' thing. It was great though. After Derek got out of the shower, we came to my house.. got my swimming shit, went back to Dereks and got his shit and Liams shit.. and we went swimming at the bridge (because there were boats at the other one). So we sat there under the bridge, and drank. Derek and Liam got drunk but Derek was drunker because he drank so many beers so fast. I only had like one so I was fine. After Liam made sure he broke the picnic table next to the bridge, we went to my house to get food and so I could shower. Then Derek, drunk, drove us back to his house and we hung out for awhile.. then he wanted to take a nap.. so I went in his bedroom (still light outside) and told him he wasnt aloud to sleep because he was drunk and had to stay awake or else it would be a waste.. because he's not aloud to drink anymore unless I want to hahaha.. but its for god reason. Just trying to take care of my baby<3. Well.. he didnt end up going to sleep.. but when I came out it was dark outside.. really dark.. and Liam was laying on the couch watching TV until he had to go to work at Newberry or however you spell it. I feel so cool that im friends with a bouncer thats in a band, hah. Anyway, I dont think anyone needs to know what went on for those couple hours before we came out. But yeaah.. I made Niki strawberry shortcake too. Like a big one. Well Derek and I went to the store after that and got food, we ate, then he felt sick and layed down, and I took a bath and then started to feel sick so I layed down with mah baby<3... and we fell asleep. Then I think Jay came out in the middle of the night and turned the fan and t.v off and Niki charged my phone for me. SOmetimes they're so sweet. This morning, we woke up around 10, took showers and got dressed.. I gave Derek a haircut.. then did dishes, made breakfast for us.. thennn we watched south park.. hung out in his room for like a half an hour... >=P... then got ready to leave and he dropped me off at home and went to work. Everyday I spend with him, I get more and more attatched and love him and miss him so much more. When he's at work, I cant stand it. I want to be with him or at least talk to him so bad... Ive never cared about anyone this much before or felt this way for anybody.. Like I loved Brian so much.. but we didnt have a long enough relationship or really do anything together besides.. you know.. just my feelings are so strong for Derek. I dont ever want to break up with him. I sound immature and stupid though.. but I dont care because I mean every word I say when it comes to him. Well, time to talk to eat dinner and talk to Andy, and then wait for Derek to call me after he's out of work.