I updated my journal.

Jun 01, 2004 14:58

Thursday Pat and Brian picked me up, I bought a bag, we smoked... chilled.. Pat drove my home, I went to sleep.

Friday was my birthday. Went to town and to Cats, we made gonga brownies... ssmoked a lot.. went to town and cant remeber a lot of it. Anyway, saw Shannon W, Shannon D, Whitney and Kaylin.. we walked behind Ems house and smoked :-D then to Jermballs and smoked more. It was so awsome. Theyre wicked cool to be with. I guess me and Shannon D are gonna try to chill this Friday. Well, I remeber going to Ronzes at like 1 ish in the morning.. falling asleep in his bed then Cat waking me up at 3:30 and saying we had to go home. So we walked from Rt50 to Caroline St at 3:30 AM in the freezing cold. I was so burnt ouit and tired...

Saturday, bought weed from Spanky haha you all wish you knew who he is! hung around then Derek came home and he picked me up from JermBalls house

Sunday, me, Derek, and Liam went to Lake George and hung out. It was okay. Then we went home and watched a 'greaser' movie. It was funnn.

Monday, Dereks bday. Hung out with him all day... we went to the flagpole and to my aunts and got a lecture...

Today, Dropped out of Ballston Spa High School and am never going back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 Im going to get my GED athough. And a job :\ ehh.. I got in tons of trouble in school.. about a week of ALA, 3 detentions and suspended for 3 days but it was my last day so i dont have to take the punishments HAHAHAH.Oh and last block, I called this Justin kid a chink because he got in my conversation and everyone was like "OMG! I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID chink!!!!!! " and then me and Jaclyn did White Power sign. lol It was fucking funny.

I talked to Ryan today too. I hope he gets online tonight!!!
He's cool.. Ashly said she thinks he likes me.. :\ I dont think so thuogh. Im wicked corny lately. Anyway, I can do anything I want for now on and go places while everyone is in school and talk to Andy online too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ill miss Nancy though, Nancy is my girl no matter what! She never once, busted me for smoking in the brooms. =)

Well, Im out.

W.P Jac---- lol

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