Well, after I've had a couple of weeks off due to illness, I've now gone back to uni. Which means no lazing about the house getting my mother to cook for me, or reading and writing fanfic, or watching daytime TV :( I've actually got to do work and stuff....This is very depressing. And it doesn't help the notes from lectures my friend has given me mostly consists of rude doodlings, anecdotes, and historical 'facts' that I'm fairly sure he completely made up. I don't care what he says, Queen Victoria did not run a prostitute ring.
But I did watch Sherlock Holmes the other day. I'm not going to spoil anyone, but is it just me wearing constant slash-googles or was there some serious gay vibes going on there?! I'm such a fangirl ;) That's a ship I could get behind.
Speaking of ships, I've also done the unthinkable. I'M READING MERLIN RPF! AND THINKING ABOUT WRITING SOME! I NEVER read RPF; it's always seemed so wrong, cos they're actually real people with real lives. But Bradley/Colin have so much chemistry going on, I just couldn't help myself *headdesk* And there are some amazing fics popping up out there!
As for my fics, now I've finished
Cellmate, I'm focusing on a new Modern!AU WIP. I've written the first few chapters, but I think I'll almost finish it before I post, so that way I can be regular with updates. And I'm going to try and finish the
Artistic Impression sequel (which has been a long time coming) and post the next one-shot to the Arthur/Merlin
Right, rambling over. XDD