Title: Diamonds In The Rough
Author name:
lire_casanderArtist name:
clover71Fandom: American Idol
Genre: Het with a tinge of slash
Pairing: See master post
Rating: R
Word count: 54,722
Warnings/Spoilers: Het!fic. Slash. Present tense. Angst. Fluff. Swearing. Characters' deaths. Explicit violence.
Summary: When Addira Campbell's life changes during the summer of 1992, she begins a journey that makes her grow up before her time. In the years that follow, she will have to learn to cope with her own past before getting over it. As David Cook steps into her life, braving the defenses she's built around her heart, she will have to choose between the life she's been leading, or an existence where music and love entangle in an endless swirl.
Link to fic:
Diamonds In The Rough - FicLink to art:
Diamonds In The Rough - Artwork