LC was orphaned not long after he was born and taken in to be trained. Officially he was adopted by Famous, but it is a well-known fact he works for the government and lives in a dorm at the complex. He received all his schooling and combat training there, and when he turned eight he was selected to receive an experimental mage hunter’s Navi, namely ProtoMan, who was supposed to be able to calculate strategy and combat effectively on his own without needing an operator, since he would be busy fighting the magic user. When LC was nine, he and ProtoMan ran their first mission together. Though shaken by the end of it and injured from the fight, they succeeded and have worked for the Net Saver/Mage Hunter departments since.
Some time after the false tournament hosted by WWW, the N1, ended, LC (at the age of 11) was assigned with a new agent, Lan Hikari, to go after Bass. Lan went through mage hunter training after the two succeeded in locking away Bass using the combined skills of their Navis and they have been good friends since. LC didn’t enter the Blue Moon or Red Sun tournaments, rather he took care of the Nebula agents so Lan could focus on the plan to take down Duo. The second time Nebula attacked he and ProtoMan quickly and decisively formed the team, however, neither ProtoMan nor MegaMan were taken by a Dark Soul, as none of the Navis hesitated in deleting the Darkloids.
There was a time of peace before, after a mission, LC (thirteen at this point) found Iris. It was evident that she had no parents so he brought her back to the HQ at the same time ProtoMan found and brought in the baby Navi, Trill. He felt a connection with Iris that later developed into a crush. ProtoMan, however, had to deal with Trill. Since no one had introduced the small Navi to MegaMan, it cried almost incessantly and had to be kept in a soundproofed play area on the net for single Navis, usually ProtoMan, to enter and deal with him. This so frazzled the red Navi eventually that Iris had to come into the net and calm Trill, revealing her true nature. This shocked LC deeply, although he had known there was something different about her due to her eyes, and the fact that she was the only one who called him Chaud. Iris soon afterwards starting working as a defense Navi and Trill’s caretaker, but she and LC developed a close friendship based on their mutual mysterious pasts.
LC, now fifteen, was recently told by Iris that he had contracted the 'disease' he'd been killing people for having, namely the one that gave strange abilities to people. He panicked and ran, managing to escape before they discovered he was gone. He unintentionally activated his portal-opening powers, which without a focus sent him to the Nexus. He wandered there until he found the Sage of Chaos, where he met various people, including Leviathan, who brought him to Reality Vanish to stay with her until he found someplace. While he was there he quietly started experimenting with his powers, trying the portal but once again getting lost due to not having figured out a focus. Since he was already in a Rockman-based Nexus node-world, his mistake this time sent him to the EXE-based one: Altered Reality.
(I know it's optional to post this, but it gives him a bit more depth and makes it seem less random that he would just take off when he found out instead of sticking around.)
(Takes place when LC is nine, just after they’ve completed their first mission together.)
LC held his sword in front of him, both hands on the hilt. He was panting from exhaustion, and there was a slight queasy feeling in his stomach. Mere feet away from him was the body that had held the blood which now stained his weapon’s blade. There was more of the red substance on him, too-on his armor, on his shirt, on his boots and gloves, and his skin, dried enough to be a little sticky in the warm evening air. Some of it was his, from the injury he’d taken, a painful gash down his left side. The rest was his victim’s-no, target’s.
I can’t think of it like that, pale trembling hands lowered the sword, blue-gray eyes trained on the prone form in still disbelief. If I do I’ll go crazy. They’re dangerous. I’m not a murderer. I’m protecting people by doing this. That’s what everyone said.
“LC,” ProtoMan spoke up tiredly from the PET. He blinked in surprised and sheathed his sword at his side, reaching down to his belt to unclip the attached device. He tried to wipe off the blood on his hand on a shirt corner until he realized there was a cut on his hand too. With a start he realized how he must look. He held the PET up to eye-level with his shaking hands, his blood barely visible on the red case.
“Did you get their Navi?” he asked softly.
The Navi’s head jerked down once stiffly. “Yes. I was just waiting for you. Are you okay?”
The nine-year old looked down at himself. He was covered in blood and dirt, but his only real injury was the one on his side, which was decently deep but not that long, as it stopped at his armor, and a few cuts and bruises. There was magical damage too, though, which accounted for his tired state. “I’m fine. Can you call headquarters and tell them to get a containment crew down here?”
“Right away,” ProtoMan responded. He disappeared from the screen for a minute, leaving LC to his thoughts.
That person I killed…he was hurting people. Famous and the others said they all do that. Does that give me the right to hurt them?
This is the right thing to do…right?
“They’re on the way,” the boy looked back at the screen, startled, and focused.
“Yeah?” he looked around and sighed. There was a bit of residual damage to a few of the buildings, but it didn’t look like anyone else had been hurt, thankfully enough. Still… “ProtoMan, do you…do you think this is right?”
The red Navi remained silent for a minute, turning his answer over in his mind carefully before responding. “Yes,” he said finally, though there was a cautious tone to his voice. “This person…these people, are harmful to innocents. And there is no way to cure them. So we have no choice but to take care of it so that the healthy and clean can live without fear. It’s our job. Don’t you think this is right?”
The fact that he’d been asked his opinion wasn’t something he was prepared for. “…I don’t know. I think so. It must be right, after all, so many people have trained us for this. We’re really helping people, aren’t we?”
That one ProtoMan answered immediately and strongly. “Yes, we are.”
LC smiled. “Good.” If we both agree, there’s no question. This must be the right thing to do. There was still a seed of doubt at the back of his mind, but it wouldn’t trouble him for years to come.
ProtoMan sensed that subtle doubt, though, and that was why he was reserving an opinion on this job until when they were older and more experienced, and sure of themselves. He never let it show, though. He would remain loyal and patient as long as it took for LC to realize his feeling about the task before them, and then follow the boy as far as he would go.
However far and in whatever direction that was.