Mar 23, 2008 11:03
Every now and then while I try to further construct my story ideas, I internally learn lessons. Some of the lessons about the world and the possibility of infinite energy, evil, religion, morality, and etc.
At its ultimate conclusion of my current mindstorm lasting the last few days, a truly peaceful world can never exist. Life does not exist in harmony and tranquility. Life exists in the chaos between all extremes between calm and turbulent. Each type of matter has different effects, and if each type of matter was kept organized and calm, nothing would happen. But when you mix them all together, not too fast, not too slow, but at the right range of tolerate paces, actions can occur. From those basic actions can come complex actions. Over enough time, the products can become self-aware and aware of external entities. Eventually, those products can improve by more than mere upgrades but become intelligent and learn to control the chaos.
Out of my mind storm, another idea for a story came to the surface. This story is about a year old. The story follows a villain as he does wrongful acts to get ahead and take command of a medieval kingdom. Through the story, a prince of another kingdom appears as an apprentice to a wise man, not so old. The wise man is teaching the prince why simple acts of murder and stealing are wrong. At the end of the story, the villain's kingdom falls apart leaving him suffer his own agony.