Oh, HRC.

Mar 28, 2013 17:05

I don't have time to fact check this, but apparently, HRC asked trans*folk at the rally for marriage equality to take down their flags, because marriage equality isn't a trans issue.

Because, you know, no trans people are gay, and no trans people are in love with people of the same gender designation as themselves, and it wouldn't be very, very handy indeed if a trans person could marry their beloved despite whatever letter the government decided that trans person should have on a driver's license, and, and, etc.

Not the first time the HRC, while explicitly fighting for LGBT rights, has tried to distance their organization from the T, if I'm understanding the situation correctly.

Isn't it lovely to feel like I'm so out there that a major queer-rights organization doesn't really want anything to do with me? That I'm a political embarrassment, like the uncle you really wished wouldn't show up to Christmas dinner? (The answer to these questions would be "no", by the way).

Don't really know why the HRC has decided to take over the rallying around the supreme court cases being heard this week, in the first place, but that's another bitch for another day.

Again, haven't done my fact checking, don't know if the situation actually occurred as this blogger stated or not. Just having my relatively-in-the-dark reaction over here.
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