wow, its been awhile........

Apr 11, 2005 20:14

i bought two movies like 2 weeks ago, i just found them, maybe i will watch them this week, along with all the other movies i've been meaning to watch. ive been wanting to get my nails done for a really long time, maybe this weekend i actually will, or maybe i wont, we'll find out. i have my last psycholgy study tomorrow, yay now i will have 11 credits and i only need 10. the first draft to my 13-16 page paper is due in 2 days, our group is starting it tonite. apparently my second psych midterm is on monday, but i doubt that will actually happen since the teacher always changes the date and we didnt even cover everything yet. i have so many psych defintions to type out, i know i dont HAVE to do it, but i want to, its how i got an "A" on the last midterm, and i plan to get an "a" on this one as well. we just had our second test in womens health last week, easy as hell so hopefully that one is another "a" too. my grades are soooooo much better this semester than they were last semester. i am so highly tempted to start slacking off, but i refuse, i will keep these good grades up if it kills me. its hard to balance school, family, boyfriend, and friends, and it will get harder next semester when i add having a job to the list. i wanna see jenna, whitney, jacob, laura, and michelle right now. all of them, at once. in the perfect world that would happen. i wanna sleep right now. i get my best sleep when im at jacobs, i dont know why, but i do. i've been eating SOOOOOOO much more than i used to, i dont know what happened, but i think i enjoy eating now, i guess it wouldnt kill me to gain a pound or two. i need to start my vocal lessons again, and i need to start singing again, this is the only year i can think of where i havent made an effort to practice everyday, i need to get back on track. my sister and i are friends again. im glad and very thankful cuz i never wanted to lose her friendship. i think shes my favorite person in the entire world. i need to get lasik eye surgery cuz i hate glasses and i hate putting in my contacts every morning, or even worse, sleeping with them in and then having my eyes so dry i can barely see the next day, and lastly, i need to get to my homework if im gonna do well in school, so i think thats what im gonna do, talk to you all later!!
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