All the Places!

Feb 15, 2013 08:46

My first two weeks as a published author have been ah-mazing and I'm beyond thrilled over the support Blaze has been getting! Rather than clogging everyone's facebook feed for the foreseeable future, I decided to do a small round-up of some fun spots that are featuring Blaze online. Come and visit All the Places! (And there's a surprise book trailer in there somewhere!)

My awesome launch party got a mention in Publisher's Weekly!! Squeee! Those are my lovely cousins Annie and Emma all superhero'ed up for the party.

I was interviewed over at Writer's Digest which was a thrill since I read their magazine for years while researching how to get published!

Melessa Walker featured the tale of my changing book cover over on her blog.

I wrote an article about female superheroes for RT Books titled 'Women Wear Tights Too!'

The fabulous Bumble Girl came to my launch party and did a cool post on it over at Bumbles and Fairy-Tales - complete with video! Woot!

My amazing friend and critique partner Alison was at my reading at the NYPL and featured Blaze in her Splashing About Books series!

I'm debuting over at Badass Bookie today as a debutante - I got to pick out a dress to wear and everything!

I've been getting a ton of blogger love! Yay! I heart book bloggers! Here's one of my favorites over at Bewitched Bookworms!

And saving best for last Blaze is on Sourcbooks Spotlight as the First Inaugural Teen Book Club Pick! And scroll down to check out the shiny new book trailer! Super-Squeee!

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