1) Happy Groundhog Day! I hear Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of winter, which is cool because I'd really like a chance to wear the new snowboots I scored at the thrift store back in November. I blame the lack of snow on how much everyone complained about it all last winter on Facebook and Twitter. That'll teach us.
2) I'm thoroughly enjoying my signed copy of Robin Mellom's DITCHED that I won. Awesome fun! It arrived the day I got to reveal my FANGIRL cover. It's such a funny, fast read that Robin had better be working on her next book because I want it now! Plus, I'm thinking I should maybe enter more contests.
3) Things are flowing really well with the WIP and I'm reaching that place where I'm excited to work on it, instead of whimpering over BIC time. This is a very good thing, especially since this baby has a deadline attached to it.
And one bonus fourth thing: I'm getting my hair cut short today. Well, it's actually already pretty short due to my trim-gone-horribly-wrong. You know how it is when you cut one side a little shorter than the other, and then try to even it up and seesaw up and up until the inner voice that has been screaming at you to "put down the damn scissors" finally penetrates and you find the strength to step away? Yeah, that. Well, lets just say I've been wearing hats. But my lovely, beautiful, perfect sis-in-law is coming over later to give me choppy layers that will make the whole thing look like it was done on purpose. Right now it looks like I had The Boy cut it. With safety scissors. While he was distracted by spinning Beyblades. I'll post a picture AFTER the fix. Right now I look sort of like this:
I wouldn't look strange so bundled up if we at least had some SNOW.